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Winner! Best cosmetic injectable training provider in Australia!
CPD approved training provider
Cosmetic Medicine courses
This foundation course will empower you with the skills to enhance your patients lips and provide muscle relaxant treatments to the most commonly requested areas of the face.
Check Structure is an advanced course that will provide you with the skills to use dermal filler critically in the mid-face and provide the associated muscle relaxant treatments
Enhancing the chin and jawline require both dermal filler and muscle relaxants to get great results. This advanced course will teach you both skills for a defined lower third.
The Bootcamp intensive week will provide you with the skills to treat the entire face, using both dermal fillers and muscle relaxants. Treat multiple patients over multiple days.
Have you done initial training, but need to refine your skills and gain confidence? This fully tailored to you course will give you the skills you need, in the treatments you want to learn.
This foundation course will give you the skills to carry out the most commonly requested cosmetic and functional muscle relaxants injections for your patients.
Skin health and appearance is improved with skin booster and biomodulator injectable treatments. This foundation course will teach you how to apply skinboosters to your patient and refine your injecting skills.
The Dissolving dermal filler course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to identify complications and to look after your patients holistically. Sometimes dissolving is the first step.
This foundation course is perfect for practitioners that prefer to gain skills in the functional use of muscle relaxants. This course focuses on the masseter, temporalis and chin area.
Confidently design a course of treatment for your patients, using proven parameters, ranking scales and treatment options. Aside from this, this course also covers patient selection, treatment options, your clinic, when to say no and so much more ++
Our Podcast & Video Channel is a master guide on aesthetic science, beauty and ethics. It is built with supporting practitioners in mind, and is directed at offering advice, guidance and providing you with strength to be successful.
Building a strong team is always an exciting journey, as a team that grows and learns together, are successful together. This course is about learning how the blend of regular medicine and dentistry integrate with the world of cosmetic injectables.
This online skin course is comprehensive, covering the most common skin conditions that patients seek assistance with, and the treatments that can be used to remedy those concerns.
Lip filler does not need to be painful. Choose from either the fully online course, or upgrade to the practical session, to learn how to use dental block anaesthesia to make lip treatments more comfortable for your patients.
In every injectors career, you will have complications. This online course will help you recognise complications, learn how to prevent them, but also look at the best treatment options. This is an essential course.
Training is step 1. Now comes the support you need to be successful. Inside our members-only resource vault you will find how-to videos, forms, checklists, Aesthetics chatroom and so much more to ensure your cosmetic success. Only available after attending our in-person training courses
Cosmetic injecting courses in New Zealand. Align with dentist specific training, that will guide you on patient presentation, treatment planning and cosmetic injection techniques, right within your own practice.
The Clinical Vault Membership is your chance to belong to an aesthetic group that incorporates Injectors into a single aesthetic networking body for learning, sharing and supporting each other. The Clinical Vault Membership offers webinars, online journal club plus access to a library of online content!
Understanding skin science is important when working with our patients. This advanced course is for cosmetic injectors to assist you to understand skin anatomy, physiology and skin care that works well with injectable treatments.
Learn how to recognise Allergic Rhinitis, and the treatment options that are appropriate to help look after your patients. In this eCourse, you will learn the science behind hayfever, and understand how to develop off-label prescribing techniques.
A brilliant Cosmetic injectable mini course to start your career! The Dermal Distinction Academy has developed and put together many resources to help guide you and put systems into place for your practice. Receive instant access, and start your cosmetic career!
What is the best cosmetic injecting course to do when starting out?
Most practitioners like to start with the Complete Lip artistry course as this teaches you how to enhance the lips and peri-oral region, using both dermal filler and botulinum toxin. This course covers the most popular treatments that patients request. Blending Botox and dermal filler into this Level 1 course gives you a real hands on approach. This is course is also perfect for dentists as it is in the dental scope of practice, and integrates beautifully with cosmetic dentistry and putting the final touches on the smile.
Most RNs and doctors like to start with either the Botulinum Toxin course or the Complete Lip artistry course. The botulinum toxin is a gentle start into cosmetic injectables, allowing you to become familiar with cosmetic injections and the facial anatomy, whilst providing popular treatments for your patient. Again the Complete Lip Artistry course is great as it allows you to provide both dermal filler and Botulinum toxin injections in highly requested treatment areas of the face.
Click Toxin treatment areas to see which is the best course
Botulinum training courses
TEMPORALIS One of the muscles of mastication, this muscle can be over-active in a patient who clenches or grinds their teeth. Patients may complain of pain, or you might notice that this muscle gets hyper-trophic or large is size after treating the masseter muscles. Treating this muscle can compliment dental splint treatment and physiotherapy for your patient. You will learn how to assess this muscle, and how to decide whether to treat this muscle.
FOREHEAD LINES Forehead lines are one of the most common areas that patients ask to be treated. Forehead lines are treated using anti-wrinkle injections. Injections are placed into the forehead muscle (known as 'frontalis') to reduce the appearance of lines. The amount of injections needed depends on how much movement there is in the forehead, the depth of the lines and the width of the forehead.
FROWN LINES Frown lines are one of the most visible signs of ageing and skin damage is frown lines. They are also commonly known as Glabellar Lines or 11 lines. These unwanted creases run between or above the brows and are usually vertical. Frown lines are dynamic and tend to develop over time. Many find these wrinkles not only unattractive but also quite hard to deal with. These lines appear as a result of normal facial actions and expressions such as squinting at bright lights, expressing confusion, any unpleasant experience or worrying.
TEMPORALIS One of the muscles of mastication, this muscle can be over-active in a patient who clenches or grinds their teeth. Patients may complain of pain, or you might notice that this muscle gets hyper-trophic or large is size after treating the masseter muscles. Treating this muscle can compliment dental splint treatment and physiotherapy for your patient. You will learn how to assess this muscle, and how to decide whether to treat this muscle.
CROWS FEET & BROW LIFT Dynamic movement of the Orbicularis Oculi muscle around the eye will result in lines called crows feet. The muscle around the eye is concentric in shape, so when we treat the muscle we can select the parts that we would like to relax. This is one of the most common areas to treat for patients. A brow Lift can raise the tail of the brow by around 3mm, resulting in an "awake" or wide-eyed appearance. Heaviness in the brow area is common, so understanding this technique is very important to assist our patients with feeling more youthful.
MASSETER The largest and most powerful muscle of mastication, this muscle is treated for two main reasons. When the muscle is large, the face can look boxy or wide. Treatment with botox can create a facial slimming appearance that is very aesthetic and appealing to patients. Functionally, this muscle is related to clenching and grinding of teeth. Treatment will reduce the power, limit damage to the teeth, improve pain thresholds, and improve dental restoration outcomes.
BUNNY LINES Lines on the nasal bridge are very ageing, and a common treatment that patients seek. The nasal bridge is a delicate area, so during our courses we show you the depth of injection and what to expect when treating this area.
NASAL TIP AND FLARE Patients find the nostrils flaring to be embarrassing, yet it is so easy to correct. By applying botox in the correct area, the tiny nasal muscles are relaxed. Similarly as we age, the nasal tip will drop, and this can make the nose look hooked.
GUMMY SMILE This treatment is life-changing. Once you treat a patient with botox for gummy smile, you will have a patient for life. Your patient can relax when they smile and not guard how hard they smile or laugh. Such an effective treatment when the alternative is usually years of orthodontics and then surgery.
LIP FLIP, SMOKERS LINES Patients love this treatment for two reasons. 1. They show more upper lip when the orbicularis Oris muscle is relaxed, making the lips look fuller (LIP FLIP) 2. It reduces the lines that appear around the mouth as a result of age (SMOKERS LINES). Both treatment aims are easy to achieve.
JELLY ROLL Some patients find the under-eye bunching embarrassing and prefer a more relaxed look. East to perform, if you select the correct depth and position. Our courses will cover this treatment for you.
CROWS FEET & BROW LIFT Dynamic movement of the Orbicularis Oculi muscle around the eye will result in lines called crows feet. The muscle around the eye is concentric in shape, so when we treat the muscle we can select the parts that we would like to relax. This is one of the most common areas to treat for patients. A brow Lift can raise the tail of the brow by around 3mm, resulting in an "awake" or wide-eyed appearance. Heaviness in the brow area is common, so understanding this technique is very important to assist our patients with feeling more youthful.
MASSETER The largest and most powerful muscle of mastication, this muscle is treated for two main reasons. When the muscle is large, the face can look boxy or wide. Treatment with botox can create a facial slimming appearance that is very aesthetic and appealing to patients. Functionally, this muscle is related to clenching and grinding of teeth. Treatment will reduce the power, limit damage to the teeth, improve pain thresholds, and improve dental restoration outcomes.
JOWL LIFT When we age, the jowls form. Learning this treatment will help to reduce the downward pull of the face. This means that the corners of the mouth will lift and the jowl will soften.
COBBLESTONE CHIN Preventing the widening of the chin and lower face is the cornerstone of anti-ageing medicine. This simple treatment is perfect to control the orange-peel chin and refine the chin point. When combined with chin filler, this is a very aesthetic treatment for your patient.
VERTICAL NECK LINES, NEFERTITI Everyone wants a defined and tight jawline. Gravity and the constant contraction of the platysma muscle weakens the jawline, and creates a widening of the lower face. By treating the vertical neck lines with botox, the so-called Nefertiti lift, your patient will love the confidence that this treatment affords them.
Click Dermal Filler areas to see which is the best course
Dermal Filler training
CHEEKBONE To give a face, structure and restore the lost volume, placing dermal filler on the cheekbone or Zygomatic arch is imperative. This filler treatment can be performed by dentists, doctors and nurses to create facial curve and reflect light on the cheek.
UNDEREYE WRINKLES Fine lines under the eyes can be treated with skinboosters. Skin Boosters are micro-injections of dermal fillers in the skin. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, they are not injected beneath the skin to volumise or shape the face. Instead, they are very fine dermal fillers that are injected into the skin to hydrate and improve skin quality. We will show you the advantages of this technique over traditional tear trough filler, as the filler we use contains amino acids and vitamins to improve the skin
CHEEKBONE To give a face, structure and restore the lost volume, placing dermal filler on the cheekbone or Zygomatic arch is imperative. This filler treatment can be performed by dentists, doctors and nurses to create facial curve and reflect light on the cheek.
LATERAL CHEEK Sometimes botox is just step one. In patients that have lines radiating over the sides of the face, or sunken and undefined jawlines, using filler on the side of the face can improve the skin quality and also volume.
JAWLINE FILLER Dentists in particular will have patients asking what they can do about the lack of definition in the jawline, because the mouth is in this third of the face. Adding dermal filler to the jawline can be undertaken by doctors, dentists and nurses to improve the tissue draping, sharpen the jawline and improve your patients confidence.
LIP FILLER The most common filler treatment in the world is lip enhancement. But knowing different techniques is important so that you can adapt the filler for each patient presentation. We will teach you cannula and needle lip enhancement so that you can select the most appropriate treatment. To increase your patient comfort, part of this training will include dental anaesthesia for complete patient and tissue control.
MARIONETTE LINES Marionette lines occur as the skin draping on the face descends over time. These lines extend from each corner of the mouth (Oral commissure) and create an appearance of sadness or negativity. And this is by far the most upsetting part of the marionette lines for the patient. Using a cannula is the safest technique to treat this area, and our courses will focus on the anatomy and techniques that are most appropriate to treat this area.
MEDIAL CHEEK As patients age, the deep fat pads located under the orbital rim, in the medial cheek reduce in size by 22% from the age of 20 to 50 years. Being able to address the medial cheek is fundamental to great patient treatment. Whether you are a dentist, medical doctor or nurse, learning how to place medial cheek filler is important. We will show you both cannula and needle placement so you can use the most appropriate technique for your patient.
SMILE LINES Once you treat your patient with Botox, they may have smile lines radiating across their cheek and around their mouth. These cannot be treated with more botox or a functional problem will occur. Instead dentists, nurses and doctors should learn how to use both skinboosters and profhilo to correct the skin condition.
LATERAL CHEEK Sometimes botox is just step one. In patients that have lines radiating over the sides of the face, or sunken and undefined jawlines, using filler on the side of the face can improve the skin quality and also volume.
JAWLINE FILLER Dentists in particular will have patients asking what they can do about the lack of definition in the jawline, because the mouth is in this third of the face. Adding dermal filler to the jawline can be undertaken by doctors, dentists and nurses to improve the tissue draping, sharpen the jawline and improve your patients confidence.
CHIN ENHANCEMENT Years ago, the only way to correct a weak or deficient chin was through orthodontic treatment and possibly surgery to move the lower jaw forward. However, placing dermal filler in the chin can both elongate and advance the chin forward. By changing the angle of injection, you can select just the one effect to customise the treatment to your patient.
HORIZONTAL NECK LINES The skin of the neck creases more easily as we age as it is deficient in oil glands. This creates horizontal neck lines that are not related to muscle activity, meaning that botox will not work on these. Skinboosters and off-label use of Profhilo can improve the condition and appearance of the skin on the neck in as little as one visit. We will show you how to use a cannula, micro droplet techniques as well as the modified BAP points to improve the condition of the skin on the neck